Water Wise Landscaping

Lawn Thumbs offers Water Wise Landscaping! We can remove your sod and start fresh.

remove lawn

Excessive amounts of lawn waste so much water! We can help you conserve water by reducing your lawn to a functional size and an aesthetically pleasing shape.

select plants

Some Plants need much less water than others. Our horticulture and landscape design specialists can help you select the best plants for your watering and aesthetic goals, and then our garden team can plant them for you.

install mulch

A 2-3” layer of mulch will help keep moisture in the soil and help prevent weeds from coming up. This is an essential step in water-wise landscaping. Choose from several styles and sizes of rock mulch, bark mulch, or compost mulch.

Converting garden bed sprinklers from overhead spray to drip lines or bubblers to individual plants will help you save water. It will also reduce weed problems, because less weed seeds are being watered.

convert sprinklers